Monday, June 5, 2017

Test Post

April 4th, 2016

Well yippie-ki-yay MFers!!! Ada Sanz here with her new blog!!!!

And guess what!?! It's called Ada Eyes because Ada sees and knows all! Mwuhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha--
*cough, cough*

Woof, okay, sorry. Got carried away with the evil laughter.

Anywho, everyone has a blog these days, so why not me, right? Seriously, why not? Although I'm not  really sure what to do with a blog. But you know what they say. If all your friends jump off a bridge, you'd better do it to because life sucks when all your friends are dead.


Gems like these are what you can expect from dear ol' Ada Eyes, Queen of this here blog.

Stay tuned, guys and gals, more jokes, more insights, and more ooey-gooey goodness to come from your Queen. I might even tell you about my new boyfriend. Maybe. If you're lucky. And the only way to know if you're lucky or not is by checking back regularly. Gimme those page clicks baby! ;)

Ta-ta for now you lousy MFers!

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